...she's going to want to make bookmarks with it:

From left to right, top to bottom:
- A monkey making a silly pose.
- A horse running along, and it's running into the monkey picture.
- Two heart-dogs snuggling!
- A bunch of mixed-up weather, where it's day and night and raining and snowing and storming all at the same time.
- A bunny giving a valentine.
- Some footprints that a cat left in the house.
- The same cat that left the footprints in the house is jumping.
- A cat that's looking at a mouse, and the mouse is running away.
- A bear, cheerleading.
- A bear, rolling down a hill.
- A bear going swimming, that just tossed the ball up.
- A bear at an art show.
- Letters, jumping on a bed!
- Some circle bugs.
- The bed broke that the letters were jumping on, and some letters spelled BOOM!
- A monster from all the pictures. [It contains pieces for all the other pictures.]
(Click on the image to see a larger version, just to see some of the cute, deft details she's put in.)