Sunday, June 19, 2011

If you give a girl a stencil...

...she's going to want to make bookmarks with it:

From left to right, top to bottom:

  1. A monkey making a silly pose.
  2. A horse running along, and it's running into the monkey picture.
  3. Two heart-dogs snuggling!
  4. A bunch of mixed-up weather, where it's day and night and raining and snowing and storming all at the same time.
  5. A bunny giving a valentine.
  6. Some footprints that a cat left in the house.
  7. The same cat that left the footprints in the house is jumping.
  8. A cat that's looking at a mouse, and the mouse is running away.
  9. A bear, cheerleading.
  10. A bear, rolling down a hill.
  11. A bear going swimming, that just tossed the ball up.
  12. A bear at an art show.
  13. Letters, jumping on a bed!
  14. Some circle bugs.
  15. The bed broke that the letters were jumping on, and some letters spelled BOOM!
  16. A monster from all the pictures. [It contains pieces for all the other pictures.]

(Click on the image to see a larger version, just to see some of the cute, deft details she's put in.)

A note from the curator

I've been falling down on the job. It's not that Fiona hasn't produced any art over the past two years — quite the opposite — but more that I haven't kept up.

I've realized, too, that part of my job has changed: not just to comment and encourage, but to curate, and rescue fleeting works from the clutches of younger sisters and household chaos.

So, for Father's Day, Fiona, here's me, trying again.

—A.E.K., June 19, 2011